World Best Pubg Mobile Player
The greatest achievements in his esports career include Champion in PUBG Mobile.
World best pubg mobile player. Athena gaming is one of the strongest and best PUBG mobile players in the world. Also known as Serioton Athena Gaming holds expertise in sniping close-range combat and pro gaming skills. World best pubg mobile player tdm pubg mobile My Device.
Levinho based in Sweden is another perfect PUBG mobile player in the battle royale. Made Bagus Luxxy Prabaswara is an Indonesian professional PUBG Mobile player for Bigetron Esports. Panda has quick reflexes and tactical gameplay.
The ranking demonstrates that he is one of the best top 10 PUBG mobile players in the world. He masters different skills from melee to close combat and sniping skills. Besides exciting gameplay videos this PUBG Mobile player also made many videos of funny and epic moments.
IPhone 7 Plus Dont forget to like and subscribe for more pubg videos Samsung A3A5A6A7J2J5J. He is a four-finger claw player and is famous for his overwhelming sniping and exceptional close combat skills. His real name is BAWAONCHAI HAN and he is a young gamer aged 23 years old and a professional esports player from THAILAND country.
Who would have said that but being a professional player in pubg mobile may be a bit tougher than on a pc. Do you want to know who is the best PUBG Emulator player in the world. Loads of the PUBG Mobile players have millions of followers on YouTube or Twitch.
He is a Chinese player who currently plays for team X-Quest F. The users play and stream their games to form earnings. According to his fans he is the best when it comes to solo clutches against multiple enemies.