Difference Between Pubg Mobile And Pubg Mobile Lite
The map on PUBG Mobile Lite is smaller than the main game.
Difference between pubg mobile and pubg mobile lite. PUBG Mobile has a bigger size compared to its Lite version. With a size of 2 GB PUBG Mobile requires a lot of space on your smartphone. The number of the one difference between both the versions of PUBG is size.
PUBG Mobile sports all the maps that are. Whats the difference between PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite. NEW MAP - NEW GUNS.
PUBG mobile requires at least 2GB ram 2 GB of free storage. P90 DBS - NEW TEAMDEATH MATCH - NEW TDM MAP. Player cap PUBG Mobile has a player cap of 100 players per match which it needs to start the match.
PUBG mobile lite occupies a storage size of 388MB while its superior variant has a 18GB size. Now this is one of the biggest actually the greatest difference between PUBG mobile and PUBG mobile lite. Both survival and killing are difficult in PUBG PC while in PUBG Lite it is pretty easy to play and win a Chicken Dinner.
This is super helpful for users with a limited amount of storage as they can also have the app installed and running smoothly. PUBG Mobile Lite on the other hand needs less than 2GB of RAM to run on optimal settings. Interior Designing of PUBG PC looks fantastic.
PUBG Mobile Lite vs PUBG Mobile what is the difference. Lets check out its major differences with the official PUBG M. For installation in Laptops the OS should be Window 7810 64bit 8GB.