Is Pubg Pc Still Popular
Squad up with your buddies and fight for your chicken dinner during the PUBG Free Play Week.
Is pubg pc still popular. PUBG is one of the best-selling highest-grossing and most-played video games selling over 70 million PC and console copies plus 1 billion of total downloads that PUBG Mobile has accumulated as of March 2021. Yes PUBG is still popular because tencent is providing regular updates to game and giving more content to the game but now many game arrived to give competition to PUBG like Call of Duty Apex legends Fortnite and many more. Told The Verge that PUBG Mobile had more than 200 million users.
First released at the start of 2017 PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds PUBG is one of the most popular games on Steam and had over 419 thousand concurrent players in. It almost has it all. That is because the PC version of the game has been created by PUBG.
Its that time of the year the best time to play PUBG. PUBG and Fortnite currently the most popular. The latters success is partly due to its free-to-play nature.
Currently the game can be played on the phone and PC but soon it will be completely inaccessible after network companies like Jio and Airtel start blocking the PUBG connection to servers after getting the notification from the government. Why Is PUBG Still Working. With so much popularity desktop gamers always wish to play PUBG for PC to experience the new game controls.
PUBG is still going incredibly strong. Also all missions and stats will be recorded so that you can keep track of. The major difference between the two is that PUBG.
But the Gaming platform goes on. Gather supplies and outwit your opponents to. In December 2018 PUBG Corp.