Pubg Mobile 4 Finger Claw Layout
Pubgm coffin 4fingerclaw pubgmobile Pubgmobileindia My device.
Pubg mobile 4 finger claw layout. Explaining my 4 finger claw layout this layout works best for me as i have been improving it day after day. Best 4-finger claw layout in PUBG Mobile Picture Courtesy. There are very few players who can play 5 finger control layout but Chinese PUBG Mobile players mostly play 5 finger claw and they also tell people to play 5 finger claw because according to their game thinking speed is very important in PUBG Mobile if you want to become a good player.
Layout link - httpbitly2ms8wwKwant me to upload a video on how to be like coffin. Best 4-finger claw set-up Best four-finger claw set-up If players improve their aim accuracy and all-over gameplay they will have to find the controls layout. The control layout code for the Pubg mobile is as follow.
As you tell everyone to be perfect in any game all the controls of that game should be according to us. What is the best four-finger claw layout in PUBG Mobile. Earlier he uses to play on iPad after that he started using the Mobile device.
If it helps you do let me know in the comments section. One of the best PUBG player Naman Mathur also known as MORTAL One of TOP 10 Pubg Mobile Players in India also uses 4 finger Claw setup using Mobile. As most of the other PUBG players asking Mortals 4 Finger claw setup of the layout.
Thanks you so much-----Device Vivo Z1 ProVivo Z1 Pro -. But wait there are many people who place their fire button on the left side. 4 Finger Claws Setup Fire Button Setup.
4 Finger Claw Gyro GuideTutorial Chinese Pro Players Drills Close Range Reflexes Fast MomentsIf you find this video any helpful give feedback in. 4 finger claw PUBG mobile best control layout code. How to Throw Grenades Properly in PUBG MOBILE.