Pubg Mobile New Maps
New information shows that PUBG New State has a new map that will come with additional modifications.
Pubg mobile new maps. This could be a trend from the makers who released three new locations on the game last year as well. It has the same gameplay of the original game making it equally fun and entertaining for mobile users. Unofficial PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Interactive Maps.
PUBG has received an entirely new 8x8 battle royale map named Taego. Inoffizielle PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS interaktive Karte. Datamined vehicle boat loot weapon spawn locations.
The map is Eastern-themed and brings with it a handful of gameplay additions that are only available in PUBG matches played on. PUBG MOBILE Posted and on their instagram Story about this new map and gave the survey link to vote which kind of Map you guyz would love to see as your TDM map. And the most interesting part of this version is the arrival of the Train which will provide you a quick tour of our favorite snow map.
The new map Taego is part of the games 122 update which also adds a self-revive item a mini-battle royale to get you. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. The most exciting part of the game is the maps.
One example is the launch of the new Hangar Map in PUBG Mobile. Currently we are using PUBG Mobile version 14 beta 2 and soon we will receive version 15 this upcoming beta version 15 will bring a new Vikendi Map 20. Nun wird auch die neue PUBG-Map Tiger ein entsprechendes Feature mitbringen.
Neben Tiger wird eine weitere 8 x 8 Map in PUBG Einzug halten. Die soll im Ende 2021. Besides the new map appears as Erangle while the previous reports informed that PUBG New Sate will be set up in Troi map.