Pubg Mobile Rank Points Conqueror
In addition each tier from Bronze to Crown has five divisions.
Pubg mobile rank points conqueror. A player needs to learn the importance of kills and survival points in the Conqueror rank push. 514083312 Download my Background Music. Survival is the key to winning pubg mobile and being a conqueror with chicken dinners on pubg servers.
There are 8 different ranks in PUBG Mobile. Having plenty of kills at lower levels will help you rank up very fast and make the task of being a conqueror in pubg mobile very easy. While rank pushing in PUBG Mobile a player should focus more on winning the match than getting kills.
For Squad you need 5800 rating ASIA For Solo Duo you need 4700 rating ASIA See Duo is easy to PUSH rank. Posted on August 4 2020. The conqueror tier is the highest rank that everyone wants to reach.
PUBG Mobile Ranks System. You have to earn points so that you can be in the Top 500 in the world. In PUBG Mobile there is no fixed point ranking at which stage a player will get the conqueror tag.
Instead the top 500 players of any server get to the conqueror. So You to gain 20 points in 100 matches by ending in top 10 to reach Conquerer from ACE tier. Hi to reach from Ace to conqueror you need to be in top 500 season rank in any server.
But in FPP I think it will be easy to reach from ACE to conqueror cause Im in diamond and still in 30k rank in server Asia. So approximately you will need 5800 Points to be in the Conqueror tier. The amount of damage you give and receive as well as kills are counted for points.