Pubg Mobile X Godzilla
Kong movie to introduce new themes in the battlegrounds.
Pubg mobile x godzilla. Godzilla Kong and Mechagodzilla arrive in PUBG Mobiles version 14 update which also brings microcosm gameplay a new vehicle Hangar which is new arena map available beginning June 1 and more. Kong Rumbles in Sanhok. LIKE For more pubg mobile videosComment what type of video you want next tips tricks how to weapon challenge world record trick shot or high kill g.
Kongs agile movements in Sanhok allow him to move around quickly but dont underestimate his power. Kong mode will be released on May 11th at 530 AM. King of the Monsters have teamed up in our latest crossover.
PUBG Mobile x Godzilla vs. Godzilla and Kong are about to clash in a battle of epic proportions. Find the marks left by Godzilla the gear used to track the massive be.
Players - watch out. The Godzilla and Ghidorah outfits are true to the design of the eponymous characters. GodzillaVsKong TeamKong TeamGodzillaHop.
Players are aware that with Season 19 PUBG Mobile is introducing an earth-shattering Monster Verse event as PUBG Mobile is collaborating with the latest Godzilla vs. Godzilla Kong and Mechagodzilla arrive in PUBG Mobiles version 14 update which also brings microcosm gameplay a new vehicle Hangar which is new arena m. In a post on their social media handles PUBG Mobile announced that the Godzilla vs.
We had our team do some further investigating into recent evidence of Godzilla and Kongs presence but unfortunately we may have put. A completely new game mode will put players in-between the great battle of the sea monster Godzilla and the humongous gorilla King Kong a conflict based on the upcoming movie Godzilla vs Kong. PUBG Mobile announce the release date of Godzilla vs Kong mode.