Pubg Pc Lite Weapon Damage
This rifle is a combination of a sniper and an AR gun.
Pubg pc lite weapon damage. You only need to deal from 3 to 4 shots to defeat an enemy. PUBG weapon damage stats and charts including the new MP5K. All Assault Rifles In PUBG Considered the Best Weapons In PUBGs due to their effectiveness in both CQC and Long Range Combat that rivals most snipers.
All in the one place. PUBG Mobile lite has eight weapons categories in the weapon list. MK14 is the third weapon in the list of the top guns with the highest damage in PUBG Mobile.
DMR PUBG gun damage is very deadly and fire rates are also good. Beryl M762 44 M16A4 43 SCAR-L 42. Explore PUBG weapon tier lists from GOSUAI.
Also you should try to perform the first shot accurately. PUBG Mobile Lite Weapon Damage Chart For SR SRs or Sniper Rifles are long-range weapons that can 1-hit enemies with a headshot. Each type of weapon helps players deal with different ranges.
Since Bluehole doesnt release the official weapon values of guns no website has 100 accurate statistics for weapons. Variant of the G36 rifle made in Germany. The following are the known statistics for all the weapons in PLAYERUKNOWNs BATTLEGROUNDS.
PUBG PC Lite Open Beta Now coming to the weapons which were nerfed the nerfed weapons were mostly ARs. The full form of DMR is Designated Marksman Rifles. A modernized version of the beloved classic.