Pubg Pc Vs Xbox Reddit
Remember this is all on Xbox.
Pubg pc vs xbox reddit. PUBG Xbox vs PC. PUBG Xbox OneOne X VS PC graphical comparison This is the PUBG graphical comparison PUBG is one of the most successful games of 2017. Be sure to subscribe to be notified.
All my buddies play om xbox so moving from pc to xbox for pubg and since PC is my main I really dont want to drop 500 on an X. XBOX vs PC PUBG Corp Response Ok i understand that PC will have a priority more people better system to work but really PC have 3 updates in a row now and we dont have not just nothing but also no communication and as a gift broken upate with two vehicles that we cant take as an update. I have never played it on PC but I have watched a lot of it on Twitch.
Thanks everyone for the feedback definitely was a tough choice since the X is so appealing but decided to go with an S since it came with pubg and that. Pubg is almost finished on pc and on Xbox its going in beta pubg doesnt run that good on high end pc but if you just want to play it you can go for any Xbox versions the Xbox one x was supposed to be running it on 60 fps but for now its 30 on all versions. Warzone Vs PUBG - Attention to Detail Graphics Gameplay ComparisonIn this Video i compared details and graphics between call of duty Warzon.
How do they stack up against the PC version of the game. Yang gue bahas di sini bukan perbedaan yang umum seperti grafis atau control. And Im willing to suffer the handicap.
Submission must be directly PUBGXbox related. Mon Thurs 8pm Midnight Australian EST Time. This thread is archived.
Simply put I prefer to play with a controller. Comparison of PlayerUnknownsBattlegrounds on all consoles and platforms. Im looking to get a gaming PC never had one.