Pubg Mobile Game All Maps
Erangel Sanhok Miramar and Karakin.
Pubg mobile game all maps. And I always wondered how big the island is or how long it takes to drive from one coast to the other coast. There are several different types of PUBG maps in the game. Not only did we find it to be a battle royale-style game with a ton of weapons that we can use to our advantage but there is a variety of maps out there as well.
The best thing about this new PUBG map is that Livik map provides the environment of all existing maps Miramar Erangle Vikendi and Sanhok. PUBG Mobile Gameplay. Livik new PUBG map is a 22 km map.
Datamined vehicle boat loot weapon spawn locations. First you have to be able to. As of June 2019 PUBG Mobile had 400 million registered players with 50 million playing every day beating out Fortnite on mobilePUBG Mobile does not include all the content that the game on console and PC has to offer.
Recently players get really excited when seeing a new bunker in the Karakin map in the game. Livik map All Supply Box Liviks Crate Location PUBG MOBILE I found 5 locations of the supply box in livik map if you find you can comment about location in the comment box. Well it is not at all small.
It is suspected that Vikendi 20 will feature in the game along with PUBG Mobile 16 patch update. A lot of people mistaken Erangels map as small. It is a new map called Fourex.
Erangel PUBG map is a commonly used one. New maps such as Vikendi are only currently available through the test. Powerbang Gaming PUBG Mobile partnered with a.